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Solutions to the Problem Sheet for LI Functional Programming - Week 4

用户定义的数据类型 User Defined Data Types

  1. 定义一个函数 allPositions :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [Int],找到一个元素在一个列表中出现的所有位置。

    allPositions :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [Int]
    allPositions a as = snd (foldr f (length as - 1,[]) as)
    where f x (i,r) | x == a = (i-1,i:r)
    | otherwise = (i-1,r)
  2. 定义一个新的数据类型,只表示一周中的个工作日。证明它是 WeekDay 类型的一个缩减。

    data WorkingDay = Mon' | Tue' | Wed' | Thu' | Fri'
    deriving (Eq, Show)

    toWeekDay :: WorkingDay -> WeekDay
    toWeekDay Mon' = Mon
    toWeekDay Tue' = Tue
    toWeekDay Wed' = Wed
    toWeekDay Thu' = Thu
    toWeekDay Fri' = Fri

    toWorkingDay :: WeekDay -> WorkingDay
    toWorkingDay Mon = Mon'
    toWorkingDay Tue = Tue'
    toWorkingDay Wed = Wed'
    toWorkingDay Thu = Thu'
    toWorkingDay Fri = Fri'
    toWorkingDay Sat = Fri'
    toWorkingDay Sun = Mon'
  3. 证明 Maybe a 类型是 [a] 类型的缩减。

    toList :: Maybe a -> [a]
    toList Nothing = []
    toList (Just x) = [x]

    toMaybe :: [a] -> Maybe a
    toMaybe [] = Nothing
    toMaybe (x:_) = Just x
  4. 重写前奏中的 headtail 函数,使它们使用 Maybe 类型构造函数来指示何时提供参数为空。

    headMaybe :: [a] -> Maybe a
    headMaybe [] = Nothing
    headMaybe (x:_) = Just x

    tailMaybe :: [a] -> Maybe [a]
    tailMaybe [] = Nothing
    tailMaybe (_:xs) = Just xs
  5. 同样地,重写 take :: Int -> [a] -> [a],用 Maybe 来表示当索引比列表长时。

    takeMaybe :: Int -> [a] -> Maybe [a]
    takeMaybe n [] | n == 0 = Just []
    | otherwise = Nothing
    takeMaybe n (x:xs) =
    case takeMaybe (n-1) xs of
    Nothing -> Nothing
    Just r -> Just (x:r)
  6. 重写前奏中的函数 zip,以便我们只在两个参数的长度相同时得到对的列表。如果不是这种情况,使用 String 来报告哪个参数小。

    zipEither :: [a] -> [b] -> Either String [(a,b)]
    zipEither [] [] = Right []
    zipEither [] (_:_) = Left "Left list too small"
    zipEither (_:_) [] = Left "Right list too small"
    zipEither (x:xs) (y:ys) =
    case zipEither xs ys of
    Left msg -> Left msg
    Right r -> Right ((x,y):r)
  7. 定义一个二叉树的类型,在每个叶子上携带一个 a 类型的元素,在每个节点上携带一个 b 类型的元素。

    data BinLN a b = Leaf a | Node (BinLN a b) b (BinLN a b)
  8. 使用前一个问题的数据类型,写一个函数,收集装饰给定树的叶子的元素列表。

    leaves :: BinLN a b -> [a]
    leaves (Leaf x) = [x]
    leaves (Node l _ r) = leaves l ++ leaves r
  9. 实现一个新版本的二叉树,它只在叶子上携带数据。

    data BinL a = Lf a | Nd (BinL a) (BinL a)
  10. 使用前面例子中的数据类型,并假设类型 a 有一个 Show 的实例,实现一个函数,将树渲染成一个括号的集合,包围着叶子上的元素。

    showBin :: Show a => BinL a -> String
    showBin (Lf a) = "(" ++ show a ++ ")"
    showBin (Nd l r) = "(" ++ showBin l ++ showBin r ++ ")"
  11. 你能写一个函数,给定这样一个括号内的数字字符串,产生相应的树吗?你可能想用 MaybeEither 来报告这个字符串的格式是否有问题。(你可能想查一下 read 函数,以帮助将字符串转换为整数类型)。

    type MaybeReader a = String -> Maybe (a,String)

    mrInt :: MaybeReader Int
    mrInt s = case reads s of
    [(i,r)] -> Just (i,r)
    _ -> Nothing

    mrLeftParen :: MaybeReader ()
    mrLeftParen ('(':r) = Just ((),r)
    mrLeftParen _ = Nothing

    mrRightParen :: MaybeReader ()
    mrRightParen (')':r) = Just ((),r)
    mrRightParen _ = Nothing

    mrSeq :: MaybeReader a -> MaybeReader b -> MaybeReader (a,b)
    mrSeq x y s =
    case x s of
    Nothing -> Nothing
    Just (a,r) ->
    case y r of
    Nothing -> Nothing
    Just (b,q) -> Just ((a,b),q)

    mrChoice :: MaybeReader a -> MaybeReader b -> MaybeReader (Either a b)
    mrChoice x y s =
    case x s of
    Nothing -> case y s of
    Nothing -> Nothing
    Just (b,r) -> Just (Right b, r)
    Just (a,r) -> Just (Left a , r)

    mrParens :: MaybeReader a -> MaybeReader a
    mrParens x s =
    case (mrLeftParen `mrSeq` (x `mrSeq` mrRightParen)) s of
    Nothing -> Nothing
    Just (((),(a,())),r) -> Just (a,r)

    parseLeaf :: MaybeReader (BinL Int)
    parseLeaf s = case mrParens mrInt s of
    Nothing -> Nothing
    Just (i,r) -> Just (Empty i,r)

    parseBranch :: MaybeReader (BinL Int)
    parseBranch s =
    let br = mrParens (parseBin `mrSeq` parseBin) in
    case br s of
    Nothing -> Nothing
    Just ((l,r),rem) -> Just (Branch l r , rem)

    parseBin :: MaybeReader (BinL Int)
    parseBin s =
    case mrChoice parseLeaf parseBranch s of
    Nothing -> Nothing
    Just (Left b,r) -> Just (b,r)
    Just (Right b,r) -> Just (b,r)
  12. 写一个函数 preOrderTree :: [a] -> [BT a],其属性为 elem t (preOrderTree xs),当且仅当 treePreOrder t = xs 适用于所有 t :: Bin axs :。[a].

    preOrderTree :: [a] -> [BT a]
    preOrderTree [] = [Empty]
    preOrderTree xs = [Fork x l r | i <- [1..length xs],
    let (x:zs, ys) = splitAt i xs,
    l <- preOrderTree zs, r <- preOrderTree ys]
  13. 更难 考虑到函数

    g :: Integer -> (Integer -> Bool)
    g y = \x -> x == y

    你是否认为 g 有一个同伴 f : (Integer -> Bool) -> Integer,将函数 Integer -> Bool "解码" 为整数,这样,对于整数 y 的任何代码 g y,我们得到的整数是 f (g y) = y?如果是,请给出这样一个 f 的 Haskell 定义,并说服自己,对于所有的整数 yf (g y) = y。如果不是,为什么?

    答案 这实际上是不可能的。可以证明这样一个函数 f 的存在允许解决停顿问题,而这个问题已知是无法解决的。

  14. 更难 写一个函数 breadthFirstTree :: [a] -> [BT a],其属性为 elem t (breadthFirstTree xs),当且仅当 treeBreadthFirst t = xs 为所有 t :: Bin axs :。[a].

    A solution can be found at the provided link.